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Day’s wrap: Rolls-Royce, UHNWI spending, Lane Crawford and millionaire taxation

Online and physically distance activities in safe environments seem to be the general direction for the ultra-wealthy as the COVID-19 is rampant. Image credit: Northrop & Johnson Online and physically distance activities in safe environments seem to be the general direction for the ultra-wealthy as the COVID-19 is rampant. Image credit: Northrop & Johnson


Luxury Daily's live news:

Rolls-Royce tackles in-cabin air quality with new tech and app settings
Air quality has become a major issue around the world with COVID-19 rampant, so it is not surprising that automakers such as Rolls-Royce Motor Cars have taken notice to do something about it.

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UHNWIs, picking winners and losers, drawing sharp line in sand with spending post-COVID-19
Makers of luxury goods and services will have to adjust how they operate and market to ultra-high-net-worth consumers if they want to retain their business in the COVID-19 era.

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Lane Crawford, department store to Chinese wealthy, puts out call for emerging homegrown talent
The ninth edition of Lane Crawford’s Creative Call Out series aims to support budding talent in sectors such as fashion, lifestyle and beauty, as well as content and experiences.

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Scores of millionaires ask governments to raise taxes on them “immediately,” “substantially” and “permanently”
In an open letter from the “Millionaires for Humanity” coalition, the signatories said the impact of the crisis could last decades, pushing a half-billion consumers into poverty and causing hundreds of millions of job losses.

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Franco-American tussle over taxes adds wrinkle for luxury recovery
The United States has announced plans to add an import tax to French beauty and luxury goods as part of its ongoing disagreement with France after the Gallic nation threatened U.S. tech companies with a digital services levy. The timing could not be worse.

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