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Trends in the Los Angeles real estate market

June 17, 2016

Michael Nourmand is president of Nourmand & Associates Michael Nourmand is president of Nourmand & Associates


By Michael Nourmand

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1 thought on “Trends in the Los Angeles real estate market”

  1. Mike says:

    You should write more articles on real estate. First article that actually is correct and tells you what’s really going on. All these trends and data are on point, Beverly Hills Flats I feel is under valued at this point. The Flats used to be the same price or more expensive then Trousdale, today the Hills are way more expensive. When I see a spread that wide it tells me the Flats are undervalued. Every time I’ve seen spread like I have made huge returns. As an old timer told me years ago you can’t go wrong with lower Bel Air or anything in Beverly Hills, especially above Santa Monica.