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Luxury brands condemn racism even as looters damage Chanel, Bloomingdale’s and Nordstrom stores in US

June 1, 2020

U.S. department store chain Bloomingdale's flagship store in midtown Manhattan being boarded up May 31 even as its downtown SoHo store was looted by rioters angry over police brutality toward African-Americans. Image courtesy of Mickey Alam Khan U.S. department store chain Bloomingdale's flagship store in midtown Manhattan being boarded up May 31 even as its downtown SoHo store was looted by rioters angry over police brutality toward African-Americans. Image courtesy of Mickey Alam Khan


If dealing with the COVID-19 lockdowns was not enough, now luxury brands and retailers have to be on full alert as rioters across the United States lash out over the demise of George Floyd, an African-American man whose death by a Minneapolis police officer triggered a nationwide backlash.

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