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New luxury, old luxury, real luxury, faux luxury: What is a brand to do?

September 23, 2016

Who's smiling now? Vineyard Vines and its ilk threaten established luxury brands Who's smiling now? Vineyard Vines and its ilk threaten established luxury brands


By Pam Danziger

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1 thought on “New luxury, old luxury, real luxury, faux luxury: What is a brand to do?”

  1. Pam voiced my view so clearly! The quality of so many articles of clothing has declined greatly over the years; which is why I believe there is a renewed interest in re-sale luxury clothing. I think luxury consumers are willing to pay more if the quality is there. Also, being a ‘middle-aged’ consumer, many of us are at the point in our lives where we don’t want to see our shoes, handbags, dresses, etc. on everyone walking down the street. Too many ‘luxury’ labels are manufacturing goods specifically for outlet shoppers or low-end shoppers; that dilutes our feeling of being dressed in something ‘special’.