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What will the luxury experience look like after the pandemic?

April 27, 2020

Designer Giorgio Armani hosted a virtual fashion show this year to stop the spread of COVID-19 infection. Image credit: Giorgio Armani Designer Giorgio Armani hosted a virtual fashion show this year to stop the spread of COVID-19 infection. Image credit: Giorgio Armani


When the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic finally subsides, chances are that nothing will go back to the way it was before. The challenge will be to translate the tangible into the intangible, from bricks to clicks without missing a beat.

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1 thought on “What will the luxury experience look like after the pandemic?”

  1. In discussing how luxury will move ahead in the midst of, and after, this pandemic will not only be digital. Don’t forget tactile. Beautiful look books, mailers – things that are rich and luxurious visually AND tactically will support the new uses for digital experience.
    People are also very digital weary at this point and we need to look to other ways to ‘shake things up’.